Sometimes I get a wave of inspiration, and in that brief moment I decide that I want to do some radical - dye my hair pink, teach at rural schools in rural Africa, start up an orphange... today, it was starting (yet another) blog, where I would become the queen of the blogoshpere and everyone would love me. I usually don't carry out these whimsical ideas, I tend to stretch back out on the couch and flip the channel to TLC or BBClifestyle. But today, starting a blog seemed like a much better idea than working on a Master's thesis. I don't know how long it will last, or how well it will do (things seem to stop halfway once they have been started and sit in the back of my computer like a mouldy piece of cheese that gets ignored at the back of the fridge...
Apart from the admiration and continous love and praise that I will get for being a fantastic blogger, I thought it would at least serve the purpose of me not talking to myself like a crazy cat lady, that, somehow, by sending it out into the deep abyss of the perpetual darkness of bloggyland, I would stop getting weird looks from people when I walk around shops saying, "Stapler....where is the stapler...hmm no, not that one....a bigger one....hmmm....stapler....stapler....". Also, I feel sorry for my mother and her phone bill - the ones who usually take the brunt of my ramblings and rages. So, dear bloggyland, prepare yourself for a whole lot of rambling, even more bitching, and a lot of lame grammar and language jokes...and here is to never looking back on what is written up here and cringeing.
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